Industrial Generators
Generator and Engine Service
Installation, Repair & Parts
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We could offer units from China, Japan or just about any place on the planet. BUT WE DON'T! We offer power equipment made and built in the USA. We sell power units and parts from KOHLER, BALDOR and GENERAC.

The reason we sell from 3 different sources is they all excell in differant areas and we can offer better coverage for you when you are in a situation of needing Power NOW!

Baldor, a company and product that has made your industrial job a lot easier. Most likely you have used one or more of thier world class motors on your air compressor, air conditioner or mill. Your favorite movie needed power to film action scenes in the desert, at night, below the ground and Baldor was probably there.

Need a generator? Factories, businesses and many other endeavors that have lost electrical power in the past know the pain of lost hours and what it takes to recover that loss.  The factory pictured below requires fifty times more electrical power than the average size home.

Our product keep us safe!!

sales@davidwayneinc.com  David Wayne Inc   877-517-7788
